Products in your regimen must be non-comedogenic, meaning they will not sit within the pore or hair follicle and clog it, backtracking all skin transformation progress! Using pore clogging ingredients unknowingly is the number one reason many suffer with congestion despite committing to a full skincare routine. It’s rare to find any product on the market whose ingredient list scores zeros across the board, on the comedogenic scale. Many professional products tailored towards acne-prone skin are actually loaded with ingredients that have the potential to cause breakouts.

The comedogenic scale is a rating system 0-5 of an ingredient’s ability to clog a pore. This scale was developed in the eighties by dermatologists but was never uniformly accepted because their studies were conducted on the ears of rabbits, instead of human skin. Critics claimed that human facial skin responds differently and that some of the ingredients rating on the scale have anti-congestion properties. Because of this the comedogenic rating system was disregarded by most and never added to dermatology or esthetic educational curriculums.

Starlight Med Spa discovered the comedogenic scale to be true after years in the esthetics industry, from constant research to determine why many skins weren’t clearing despite following strict product and treatment regimens. After carefully monitoring the ingredients in all products recommended and in treatment formulas, Starlight noticed a definite reduction in client breakouts and in “product induced milia” when ingredients rating high on the comedogenic scale were removed. Product induced milia is different than a whitehead. The substance inside this lesion is thick and oozes out like toothpaste in a squeeze-tube when extracted. Smaller versions of product induced milia can easily be seen in the thin-skinned undereye area and are often unextractable. Soon after the revelation of the comedogenic scale it became easy to tell which clients used pore-clogging products just by taking a quick glance at the skin underneath the eye and areas of acne for the presence of these tiny, hard, and white congestions that form from pore clogging product substances.

To check the comedogenic ratings in a product enter each ingredient in an internet search engine alongside “comedogenic scale”. For most ingredients you will find a score between 0-5. 0 means the ingredient will not clog a pore and 5 means it most certainly will. All ratings in between cause a small to high risk as the number increases. Pore clogging ingredients lead to acne in those prone, enlarged pores in those who naturally secrete oils, and product induced milia in almost everyone. By abiding to the comedogenic scale you increase your chances of getting the skin of your dreams. Even though many skincare professionals and product manufacturers are not aware of the comedogenic scale, by following this system you lower the risk of reversing the progress of your efforts and wasting your money. Non-comedogenic skincare is important for all, even those without acne, as pore clogging ingredients prevent products from penetrating, making skin look rough, dull, and flaky.
So informative! I’m so glad I transitioned to Starlight Skincare❤️